Friday, June 24, 2011


To my children, for your dangerous intelligence,inspirational spirit, amazing imaginations, and the love you have reserved “just for me.” May you grow with the knowledge that you are my greatest inspirations and works of art. Sorry for being a dork though. It’s just who I am. 
To Lucky. Always. For all that you are and all that you
To Ms. Myra Tucker of Tallapoosa, Georgia, who inspired me to “go,” “do,” and “believe.” Things I had forgotten how to do until she helped give me back some faith, not only in myself but in the world too.

Thanks everyone!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the people in my life who have been so patient and understanding while I went through the process of deciphering my own chicken scratch and five year old alien shorthand. I still don’t know what half of those symbols were (hieroglyphics?) and I still think “that phrase” may have been in Swahili… Thanks for keeping my spirits up and forcing me back on track when I slacked off and Facebook-ed when I should have been working! And thanks for not listening to my whining and complaining and making me keep on going when all I wanted to do was quit…. Even though I was crying and begging and pleading for mercy and threatening to file a restraining order while brandishing the pink fluffy pen of doom…

A few “props” to certain people who allowed me to use their concepts and ideas in the storytelling:

Richard Dimitri, creator of Senshido. A concept displayed through some parts of this book. (“It even works on monsters!” “Seriously?”) See Rich? I did some. Now you go do some too!

For more info on Senshido, please contact Richard at:
Senshido International
P.O. Box 3133
Jasper, Alberta
T0E1E0 Canada

Chris Adams, owner of Specter Tactical. For training and “technical advisor stuff”, because I’ve got something better than “Stuff was happening. <Describe stuff> After the described stuff, with the things <describe things>, there has to be a WOO HOO! before <Slap!> The Woo Hoo goes along with the stuff that happened with the thing. Make sure it's all WHOA!”, (an actual line in the original manuscript…) Yeah… Because, wow… When the words escaped me, yeah… Wow…

For more info, please contact Chris at:
Military & Law Enforcement Tactical Training
60 River Road
East Haddam, CT 06423

My friends, S., P., C., F., C.S., M.F., and T. who saw me through a lot of frustration. You didn’t make it better, but saw me through it anyway…

Bobby, thanks for reading through and helping to correct my REALLY GOOD grammar and other stuff like that. Sorry I subjected you to it… I know. Believe me… I know…

Bacon, for all the yummy goodness you provided and nourishing me with your tasty deliciousness and mighty bacon-y awesomeness.

And of course, thanks Otis, for keeping me amused and my feet warm and the room constantly smelling like wet dog… Well, maybe not so much on the last one…

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Just thankful...

I wish I could say that my reasons for writing this book was some super awesome, mega fantastic story that would be tear jerking and uplifting. The truth is it was written to amuse my children who came up with much of the story and ultimately, they just thought it would be cool to see their ideas and names in print. What can I say, I'm a sucker for my children. This project was a labor of love. Something I was able to hand down to the kids and say, "I made this for you!" Their looks of pride through every step from start to finish, and seeing the expressions on their faces when they saw the "finished product" was the best review I could have gotten and the best one I'm ever going to get, bar none. The rest are merely supplemental.
I tried to capture my kids' wild and boundless imaginations in the amazing tales they spun, whether it was during "pretend play" or just stories they had come up with and relayed to me. The "adventures" that I lived through "with them" was second to none and my only hope is that I was able to capture them in my own words. 
Throughout this wild ride, I had a few people mocking me, telling me I'd never get it done and laughing at me and just being all around unimpressed, but for every one of those, I had ten people telling me, "Yes, you can and it's AWESOME!" I had so much support coming from all over the place and it warmed my heart. I never would have thought I'd end up here, but here I am and I'm thankful.

Searching for Phoenix Ward....

Over the last year, (as I've made quite public all over various venues on the internet) I worked on and completed a book project (well, the 1st of 3 books anyway...). Within the dedication are my children (obviously), Lucky (of course) and a Ms. Myra Tucker of Tallapoosa, GA.  (Huh?)
Back story time:
Last summer, as I sold most of my stuff and some of my mom's stuff that I dredged from the bowels of hell... AKA her BASEMENT. (It's a house of horrors. I don't want to talk about it...<Shudder!>) I had a woman buy up stuff flabammity blam! Practically AS I was listing them. Holy COW! So, I contacted her through the messaging doojie on the Ebay and thanked her for her patronage. Didn't expect anything back really, it was just a "Thanks!". I had seen it done from time to time... She "wrote" back to tell me she found much amusement in my item descriptions and they made her laugh... From there we started an amazing "pen pal" friendship. She told me of her life, her joys, her woes and shared with me the most amazing stories from her own life. Some were wretchedly heart breaking, others showed how resilient, spiritually rich, kind and warmhearted this woman remained despite extreme hardships and sorrows. I vented and ranted about stuff in my own life and she offered great advice, solid support and kind words of encouragement. She helped restore a little bit of faith in people. (Well, not ALL people, let's face it. There are some wretched people in the world...) Enough to realize, not all people are awful. She also asked me to get up off my rear end, have a little faith in myself and finish the "writing project" which I had told her about. She (along with Lucky, my kids and my real friends) helped me to restore a lot of aspects of ME that I didn't realize were missing, making me realize that I needed to "Go", "Do", and "Believe". Would there be the possibility that I would fail miserably? Of course! But nothing ventured, nothing gained and living with the regrets of NOT having gone out there to "do" is far worse than going out and "doing" and failing. A valuable lesson she "taught me". So, at least now, I'm doing. I went ahead full steam with this book thing.
Myra was quite ill during the whole of our friendship. All throughout, her friendship never wavered, never faltered. All the while she offered up warm regards and gentle support. An angel sent to me during a very dark hour. And when I found my way again, just as quickly as she came into my life and helped me back up onto my feet... She was gone...
She never asked anything of me except friendship and never expected a single thing from me. A single promise that I did make to her was that I would send along a signed copy of the book to her grand daughter Phoenix Ward. I swear on all things holy, I WILL make good on that promise.
For everything that she helped restore in me, for the friendship and faith that she showed in someone who, quite honestly, was nothing more than a complete stranger, for the kindness and warmth that she showed to me, for being so open and honest, for everything that she gave of herself to me, whether it was just a kind word or a swift verbal kick in the rear end to get me back on track, for being a "shoulder to cry on", an ear to listen, a wise mentor in life to offer me some great advice, for helping me to make me realize I do have a worth, for helping to remind me that life is only going to be what I make of it, for knowing EXACTLY what to say when I needed it, for helping to restore me... Yeah, I owe this woman a lot.